I have been exploring the idea of Flow from the year 2016. The first terminology I learnt on this is Creative Flow from Nature Cure Camps, then I started hearing it from various teachers, found references in various books, teachings, philosophies, IKIGAI, Dr John Demartini, TED Talks, ... and realized the subtle and powerful relevance of FLOW in Graceful Healing & Optimal Living. I have been facilitating flow through my consulting, coaching sessions for few years now, Recently I have designed an Experience Session & Mentoring Program around Flow with Inspirations(FWI), read some of the experiences of people who tapped in to flow through these sessions. If you are inspired to be part of Flow with Inspirations , WhatsApp +91 95978 50102 for the upcoming program details. Wishing you all Ease, Flow & Expansion. Thank you :) With Love & Gratitude, Vinoth Kumar V S
How this Program has helped you? This program has bought lots of clarity, learning and bliss to me Feel like I have done emotional cleanse and lots of awareness and changed lots of perceptions - Priya ( Mar 2021 Tamil Batch Participant) To understand more about my self healing and improving my family health Awareness and clarity on my mental health. How to dissolve conflicts that doesn't bring happiness to me.. - Arulmozhi ( Mar 2021 Tamil Batch Participant) This program gave me clarity on food, mind, body and soul. The way I see things and finding balance in the worldly context. It opened me up and perspective the way I see things changed. The navigation tool you gave is so amazing anna. Also after I learnt Pranic healing whenever someone at home complained I did healing. I haven’t did the navigation. Today practically I used the leftover watermelon as a pack where mom I had pain and she got relived soon. So I experienced the navigation and understood what I can do and where I ...